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TOWN OF NEWTOWN_______________________________________________
PBSC meeting minutes of June 23, 2009 7:00p.m.
Reed Intermediate School, 3 Trades Lane Newtown, CT. 06470

Minutes of the regular Public Building & Site Commission meeting held Tuesday June 23, 2009 in the Library Classroom located at 3 Trades Lane Newtown, CT. 06470.  Chairman Bob Mitchell called the meeting to order at 7:00p.m.

PRESENT: Chairman Bob Mitchell, Pete Samoskevich, James Juliano, Anthony D’Angelo.
ABSENT: Joseph Whelan, Tom Catalina
ALSO PRESENT: First Selectman Joseph Borst, Clerk of the Works William Knight, Morganti Group representatives Arthur Lindley and Tim Gunn, O & G Project Manager John Cross also from O & G Jeff Cugno and Larry Schilling, Ames & Whitaker representatives Greg Ames & Steve Whitaker.

1. Public Participation:
None Noted

2. Approval of Minutes from May 26, 2009:
Mr. Juliano moved to accept the minutes as submitted. Mr. Samoskevich seconded motion.  All were in favor.

3. High School Expansion Project:
Mr. Lindley of the Morganti Group addressed the Commission on the High School Expansion project (See Attachment A to original minutes – Interim Report June 22, 2009).  
Mr. Lindley stated that the project is still on schedule.  Safety is a primary concern, each Friday, Tool Box Safety is conducted and a copy of issues addressed is sent along with the daily reports.
Additionally, Mr. Lindley stated that the Town Departments have been very cooperative and quick to answer any questions.
Mr. Mitchell stated that it will be imperative for the Commission to be notified as soon as possible if anything unforeseen arises in case action by the Commission is required.
Morganti has stockpiled the excavated soil in two areas.  There is erosion fencing in place.  The Commission requested that due to the rain, the erosion be monitored and that plantings to stabilize the soil be considered if it will remain exposed for the summer. The Town is taking some of the soil from the Oakview site for its own use.

4. Fairfield Hills/ Public Works:
Discussion item joined with #5.

5. Town Hall:
Mr. Knight stated that the roof is holding through heavy rains, a few spots have been patched. The basement is still damp however, the source of the water has been located (the high water table as discussed during May 26, 2009 meeting) and (150 ft.) curtain drains are being installed to divert water.
Mr. Samoskevich questioned why Greenwich Hall is taking so long to demolish.  Mr. Cugno stated that the demolition project is being handled by Claris Construction and speculated that the reason is because the other demolition projects already had environmental and abatement work done to ready them for the demolition process where Greenwich Hall did not have the preparation work.  This work is not part of O&G.
Mr. Knight stated that the road was supposed to be done Friday June 19, 2009 so that the gas main could be brought in, he will be in contact with Public Works Director Fred Hurley to speed progress along.  

O & G Project Manager John Cross addressed the Commission regarding the progress of the new Town Hall (See Attachment B to original minutes – Monthly Progress Rpt. #6).  
Mr. Cross stated that the ceiling grid work has been delayed until climate control is maintained in the building and anticipates power to the building by the end of July.
Additionally, the elevator work is on hold until site drainage (curtain drain installation) is complete and a waterproofing material (Zipex) is being considered for the basement area.
The fiber optics, phone lines and gas lines have not been started yet.  These items are out of O & G’s scope.
Mr. Mitchell stated that a special meeting with Mr. Hurley may be in order to discuss the importance of these items being addressed so that they will not delay the completion of the project.
Mr. Cross added that there is a meeting scheduled for Friday June 26th   at 9:00a.m.with the IT Department to discuss the Telephone System which has subsequently not been ordered yet either. Mr. Cross stated that the phone system should be ordered as soon as possible.  

In other updates, Mr. Cross stated that the furniture has been ordered and will be in on time, the Fire Pump is expected with an August delivery, the weathervane has been recovered from Bridgeport Hall as well as the existing copper down spouts.
The Communications Room has preliminary figures of approximately $80-90,000 to complete, the package will get to the Selectmen for final review.  This work is related to additional It/AV work.
Mr. Cross addressed the recent abundance of rain as a possible concern for delay, the power being delayed by about 2-4 weeks, site drainage work and final coats of paint being worked around humid weather, however, the September deadline is still being worked toward.  
The Air handling units installation may coincide during moving.
The Town employees being housed at the Kendro building are scheduled to move first as the lease for that space expires in October 2009.  

Mr. Juliano stated that he was disappointed to learn that the Glycol system was not being used in the heating system. Mr. Juliano added that the mechanical work on site is excellent.  
Mr. Cross stated that the Glycol system was considered but not thought to be the best solution.
Mr. Cross added that the trees over hanging the roof have been trimmed back and additionally, an exterminator may have to be called in as there are colonies of ants around the trees.  This extermination should be done prior to move in.

Mr. Mitchell stated that there are green stains on the limestone from copper screening having been leaned up against it for years.  The stains are unable to be repaired.

Mr. Cross addressed the Commission regarding the Moving Expenses (for large items) line item for $40,000, which he anticipates only having to utilize half that amount, thus requesting the Commission to take action to reduce that line item to $20,000 and put the remaining $20,000 back in to the project budget as a line item contingency (funds available for betterments at the end of the project).  

Mr. Juliano moved to reduce the Moving Expenses line item from $40,000 to $20,000 and re-entering the remaining $20,000 as a line item contingency.   Mr. Samoskevich seconded motion.  All were in favor and approved by First Selectman Borst.

Mr. Cross stated that he had been requested to price out storage cages for the basement by multiple Town Offices to define and delineate their space in the area.  Mr. Cross stated that the cost would be roughly $30,000 to install.  The Commission was in agreement that this would be an un-necessary purchase at this time and can be pursued at a later date by individual offices based on their assessed needs.

Mr. Mitchell requested that the Commission be notified as soon as possible if the deadline is not going to be met.
Mr. Cugno asked if it might be helpful if O & G submitted a letter imposing that certain critical decisions have to made by certain dates in order to meet the deadline requirement.
Mr. Cross responded that he has done this in the past and he’d be willing to do the same in the future.  

5b. Review of Applications for Payment:
Mr. Mitchell presented Application for payment #D0015 in the amount of $1,249,315.63
From O & G.

Mr. D’Angelo moved to recommend payment pending availability of funds and final review by PBSC Chairman.  Mr. Samoskevich seconded motion.  All were in favor.

5c. Review of Change Orders:
Mr. Mitchell presented Change Order #3 (revised) from O & G for additional data, voice and analog outlets in the amount of $24,858.75.

Mr. D’Angelo moved to recommend payment of Change Order #3 pending the availability of funds.  Mr. Samoskevich seconded motion.  All were in favor.  Mr. Mitchell stated that the IT Department needs to be involved sooner on projects so that all funding can be properly in place.

Mr. Mitchell presented Change Order #9 from O & G for furnishing and installing concrete poles, PVC Conduit and power wiring for installation of 12 light poles in the amount of $37,596.30 (to be paid out of STEAP Grant).

Mr. D’Angelo moved to recommend payment of Change Order #9 pending the availability of funds.  Mr. Samoskevich seconded. All were in favor.

Mr. Mitchell presented the final Change Order #10 from O & G for installing 730 feet of 12” slotted PVC drainage pipe approximately two feet below building foundation in the amount of $63,000.
Mr. Mitchell stated that the water and drainage should be tracked or monitored because the high water table on site may very well affect other buildings or projects in the area so as to plan on appropriate funding if necessary.  

Mr. D’Angelo moved to recommend payment of Change Order #10 pending the availability of funds.  Mr. Samoskevich seconded motion.  All were in favor.

First Selectman Borst questioned the Commission regarding a running total on the bonding and expenses up to this point.  The Commission stated that Financial Director Bob Tait is working on cumulation of totals for the project and separating out what has been spent for Town and Board of Education.

6. Community Center
Mr. Jeff Cugno addressed the Commission regarding the status of the Community Center project and proposed plans.
Mr. Cugno stated that the design at this point is based on those opinions expressed by related offices and personnel.
Ames & Whitaker representatives, Greg Ames and Steve Whitaker presented to the Commission the proposed site plan as of May 21, 2009 (See Attachment C to original minutes – Progress Meeting: Newtown Community Center).

The Commission discussed in depth the proposed plans for the Newtown Community Center as derived from the opinions expressed by the Town Park & Recreation Department, Senior Center and the needs met by surrounding Senior and Recreation Centers such as Shelton and Oxford.

Mr. Whitaker stated that the proposed building would give a program area of approximately 23-24,000 sq. ft. and 31,000 sq. ft. of total area (not including the pool area which would be an additional 19,000 sq. ft total).  
The Commission questioned if they have the authority to decide that space is to be shared between the Senior Center and the Park & Recreation Department.  
First Selectman Borst stated, yes, the PBSC would have that authority.

Mr. Mitchell stated that the individual room and area functionality needs to be looked at while considering the best use of Town funding and best possible design for a Community Center in which all members of the community would find useable.
The proposed plan for the Community Center is reflecting the philosophy of only two groups, not that of the greater community.
Mr. Ames suggested that the problem might be that the programs offered are too narrow in scope and not geared towards the needs of a community as a whole.

Mr. Mitchell suggested the possibility of using a color code indicating areas of the building that’d be used for Park & Recreation activities, Senior Center activities and those areas that’d be a common area to be used for the community.
Additionally, the parking (ideally) would take into consideration the topography of the existing land and using what is there instead of clearing and leveling.  Smaller lots with landscaping are desired.
Mr. Cugno stated that the parking area is intended to be a shared lot, not an additional large open lot.
Mr. Whitaker stated that a broad consensus is imperative to move forward and it should be emphasized to the seniors that their identity and privacy will not be lost in a shared facility, it’s simply the best use of space, funds and multi-functionality.

Mr. Cugno concluded by stating that the next steps are for O & G and Ames & Whitaker is to consider all suggestions.
Additionally, regarding the demolition of Litchfield Hall and Yale Lab; the abatement specs by Russell & Bartley state that O & G should precede with preconstruction and management.  Mr. Cugno stated that a Task Order may come through for the demolition, preconstruction and management, O& G is requesting approval.

The Commission was in agreement to move forward when the task order is received.
Mr. D’Angelo moved to recommend proceeding with the demolition of Litchfield Hall, the preconstruction and management by O & G and for the Selectmen to confirm a price.
Mr. Juliano seconded. All were in favor.

7a. Unfinished Business – Change Order Process
Mr. Mitchell stated that he has received some feedback on the Change Order Process most of which has been corrections to typographical errors.

8. New Business
None Noted

9. Adjournment
Having no further business, Mr. Samoskevich moved to adjourn the regular meeting of the Public Building & Site Commission at 9:45p.m.   Mr. Juliano seconded motion. All were in favor.                                                         

Cayenne Spremullo, Clerk